When Do I Call My Insurance Company? Broken Pipes, Storms, & More

There’s not much worse than walking into your home and realizing you’re standing in a couple of inches of water because of a broken pipe. Or maybe you’ve stepped out of your home after a storm to find damage to your roof or windows. Or perhaps, your house caught on fire or was struck by lightning. 

All these kinds of incidents can quickly make a day go from good to bad. Luckily for Streller Agency insurance clients, we’ll be there to help! 

Filing a home insurance claim can be daunting, especially if it is your first time. It’s also important to know what actions to take immediately after the accident as well. 

You might be wondering, if these things happen, what do I do first? When do I call my insurance agent? Do I need to wait on insurance approval before fixing the problem? Knowing when to file a claim and when not to is crucial in ensuring you get compensation, too.

In this post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on filing a home insurance claim and the steps to handle damages. The Streller Agency team is here to help. If you’re not already one of our clients, reach out. We’d love to talk! 

Typically, you will take the following steps when there is an accident or damage to your insured home or property. 

  • If it’s an emergency, call 911 

  • Mitigate immediate damage 

  • Assess the damage and rely on experts 

  • Take an inventory of damage 

  • Contact your insurance agent

  • Clean up and repair damages 

Below you will find more detailed information about these steps, but remember your health and safety should be the number one priority. The Streller Team is here to help along the way as you need us. Just give us a call!  

1. If There is an Emergency - Call for Help 

In an emergency, the first step is to call 911. If someone is injured, if an electric line is down, or if there is another reason to require emergency response services, do not delay calling for help. 

2. Mitigate Immediate Damage

If you are in a situation where you can mitigate damage by taking immediate action, such as a pipe burst in your home, and you can shut off the water, take action! Turn off the water, use a fire extinguisher for flames, cover windows, use fans to aid drying, or whatever other action can be taken to prevent the damage from worsening.   

3. Assess the Damages and Rely on Experts 

After the damage to your property, contact the relevant repair persons or professionals to correct the issue. Call a plumber, contractor, electrician, or whoever is professionally qualified to repair your property. This professional will be able to provide an estimate, timeline for repairs, identify a cause for the incident, and other information about the damages that occurred. If you need help finding a licensed and insured contractor, our team can help make recommendations, too. 

4. Take an Inventory of the Damages

At this time, you should also document the damages by taking photos and videos. If there is water or fire damage, make a note of everywhere and everything that is impacted by the water or smoke. It’s always better to take too many photos and videos rather than not have enough documentation to share with the insurance adjuster. These photos and documentation may help the insurance company assess the damages incurred. 

5. Call your Insurance Agent 

Equipped with all the information from a professional repair person, call your insurance agent. Ask if someone needs to come out to assess the damages before repairs begin or if the photos and videos will be adequate. 

You’ll begin the claim process at this time by providing information and documentation of the damages. Ensure you have provided all the needed information for the claim before the cleanup or repairs begin. If you have questions or doubts, ask! Our team is always happy to help answer questions along the way. Filing an insurance claim isn’t usually “fun,” but we do our best to be a steady partner through it all! 

6. Repair Damages and Receive Compensation  

After ensuring your claim is submitted, and our team has the information we need, you and your trusted repair persons can get to work cleaning up or fixing the damages. As repairs are completed, keep track of all expenses related to the damages. You’ll work with our team to receive compensation for the contractors and your covered out-of-pocket expenses. Soon the cleanup and repair work will be behind you! 

Know When to File a Home Insurance Claim

Knowing when to file an insurance claim is essential in ensuring you get the compensation you are entitled to. Here are some situations where filing a claim is necessary:

  • When there is significant damage to your property

  • When the cost of repairs exceeds the deductible 

  • When someone is injured on your property

When Not to File a Home Insurance Claim

Filing an insurance claim can sometimes increase your premiums, so knowing when not to file one is essential. Here are some situations where filing a claim may not be necessary

  • When the damage is minor and can be repaired easily

  • When the cost of repairs is less than your deductible

  • When the damage is caused by normal wear and tear

Car Accidents Are Different 

The steps for dealing with a car accident and auto insurance claims differ from home insurance claims. Here are some steps to take when dealing with a car accident and insurance. Notice that with a car accident, you should call your insurance company immediately rather than get repair estimates first (as you would with a home insurance claim). 

1. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible

2. Provide your insurance company with all the necessary information

3. Take photos of the damage

4. Get estimates for repairs

5. Keep track of all expenses related to the accident

Find Affordable Oklahoma Insurance Today

Filing an insurance claim can be complicated, but following these steps can make getting the compensation you deserve in case of damages or accidents easier. Whether you are experiencing a broken pipe, storm or tornado damage, fire, or another type of incident, you won’t find a more knowledgeable or reliable insurance partner than the Streller Agency team. Don’t wait to request a free insurance quote today. We would love to help!


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